Thursday, January 2, 2014

Tips on How to Overcome the Fear of Writing Answers in Examinations

Top Tip: Enjoy your exams!

Although this may seem strange advice to you, I've found over the years that you tend to do well in things that you enjoy doing. I've also found that you can find great pleasure in almost anything if you so desire.

Look forward to the opportunity of expressing yourself.
When you sit in that seat with the examination booklet and the question paper, look forward to writing your answers. Tell yourself this is where you want to be; this is what you want to be doing for the next three hours; nothing else, nowhere else would pull you away from this. This attitude is sure to improve your performance--I promise you this.

Every question is an opportunity.
Look at every question like an opportunity for entertainment, a game--like a crossword or a sudoku you want to solve--and proceed to play the game to the best of your ability.

Answer the question asked.
You win the exam game only if your answers fit the questions. Don't think of an examination booklet like the place you regurgitate all the words and ideas you've been reading about and learning in the last six months. Pick and choose the words and ideas that fit the question asked. Simply put, just answer the question!

A longer answer is not a better answer.
Remember this: more words don't mean more valid thoughts. More "points" and pages don't necessarily translate to more marks. In fact, if you put in extraneous, unnecessary, irrelevant information in your answers, you are likely to lose focus of what has been asked of you and you are even more likely to lose marks!

To the point, focused, logical answers that apply themselves directly to the question are going to get you the marks you want. Examiners have to correct piles of papers and they will thank you if you don't waste their time.

Good luck.
Relax and have fun writing your examinations!

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survi rathi said...

thank you soo much maam!!

Tamanna said...

mam, do we have CV and Resume in our mid sems?